Friday, January 6, 2012

On faith and sharing

Something that God has been speaking loudly and clearly to me lately: "You have been blessed. Now, go and bless others."

I've been thinking a lot about my call as a Christian to evangelize and to make proclaiming Christ the center of my day to day encounters, even in just my small areas of influence. I think it's true that Christians in this country can easily take the gift of faith for granted. And faith is just that…a gift. A gift that was given to be shared - freely and graciously. I wish that I always lived with that realization.

Where would I be if no one had shared the truth of Christ to me? Where would we all be if the apostles had not been obedient to Christ by going and preaching the gospel to all nations? If they had not considered sharing the faith they had received and oneness in Jesus worth sacrificing all else...

Just something to think about. :)