Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The power of healing

Today in my contemporary moral issues class, we had to share our responses on our essays and random questions we were asked. When my teacher asked me, "If you could have a superpower what would it be?", I answered "The power to heal - not just physical healing, but mental, spiritual, emotional. Healing in every sense of the word." And he responded, "That's interesting, others have always just said telekinesis, time travel, lightning speed...but you said you want a power that you can use not really for yourself but for others." And I said in reply, "I think we're all looking for healing in some way, so it would be good for everyone."

And even though I hadn't thought too hard about it when I chose healing...I started thinking about it some more afterwards. And I think that as Christians, who have experienced the healing hand of God, who've experienced His presence -which itself brings healing and renewal - we begin to desire that for others. We come to realize that He is the ultimate Healer and when we seek healing, we are really just seeking Him.

As soon as you identify yourself as leave room for judgment. Seen automatically as pushy, forcing your beliefs on others, judgemental, close-minded, selfish. But really, Christians just want to bring healing. They just want to see themselves and others healed by the Gospel, being healed of sin, selfishness, impurity, anger, everything.

It's hard being in a morality class with 48 other students that each have their own view of what is morally acceptable. Honestly speaking, it's really intimidating. Sometimes I just want to pretend I'm not there so that I don't have to respond to views that I don't agree with, ones that break my heart to hear. But I remember the plan of God, I remember that He uses every experience and every challenge to help me grow and to help others grow.

Pray for me, that I always acknowledge the ways and design of God. That I always stand up for what is true and good and beautiful in a way that would please Him. Pray that others are drawn to that same truth, beauty, and, goodness that is ultilmately found in Christ.